Somos ciudadanos del planeta tierra
un solo corazón una sola meta,
debemos ayudarnos
y no provocar vendetta.
Todos caminado hacia el mismo
ser feliz en paz y cordialidad.
No hay diferencia de razas,
religión y demás
todos somos hijos del mismo papá.
Unidos como hermanos
al nuevo milenio nos enfrentamos.
¡Abajo las guerras y fusiles
cierren las compuertas a lo malo!
Bienvenida la cordialidad y el
¡Todos a cuidar nuestro planeta!
Un mundo nuevo nos espera
caminemos en paisajes de
¡Basta ya de pelear!
La vida, el cielo y el mar,
fueron hechos para disfrutar
no para destruir su bondad.
Perdonar y compartir
es la consigna salvadora de la
Autora: Edith Elvira Colqui
Rojas-Perú-Derechos reservados
We are citizens of planet earth
One heart, one goal,
we must help each other
and not provoke revenge.
All walked towards the same ideal:
Be happy in peace and cordiality.
There is no difference of races, religion and others
We are all children of the same dad.
United as brothers
We face the new millennium.
Down with the wars and rifles
close the floodgates to the bad!
Welcome cordiality and respect
Everyone to take care of our planet!
A new world awaits us
let's walk in landscapes of solidarity
Enough of fighting!
Life, the sky and the sea,
They were made to enjoy
not to destroy his goodness
Forgive and share
It is the saving motto of humanity.
Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Peru-All rights reserved
We are citizens of planet earth
One heart, one goal,
we must help each other
and not provoke revenge.
All walked towards the same ideal:
Be happy in peace and cordiality.
There is no difference of races, religion and others
We are all children of the same dad.
United as brothers
We face the new millennium.
Down with the wars and rifles
close the floodgates to the bad!
Welcome cordiality and respect
Everyone to take care of our planet!
A new world awaits us
let's walk in landscapes of solidarity
Enough of fighting!
Life, the sky and the sea,
They were made to enjoy
not to destroy his goodness
Forgive and share
It is the saving motto of humanity.
Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Peru-All rights reserved
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