En la curva de tus besos
encontré el quid de mi aurora;
para ti soy mujer bonita
sin máscaras, ni ambages.
Ni la noche ,
con sus latones de acero
y sus bombardas de luminosas estrellas
ha podido apagar tu aura,
en mis mantos de cielo.
Autora: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Perú-Derechos reservados
In the curve of your kisses
I found the crux of my dawn;
I'm a pretty woman for you
without masks or ambiguities.
Not even the night,
with its brass of steel
and its bombards of luminous stars
has been able to quench your aura,
in my cloaks of heaven.
Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Perú-Rights reserved
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