El mundo camina en los tentáculos
poder -ambición.
Las potencias se disputan la
hegemonía en el planeta
no reparan en las consecuencias
nefastas de sus terrible ambición:
Guerras, muertes, contiendas, odios
generan su malsana acción.
Mueven sus peones, alfiles y
caballos en una guerra sin cuartel,
maquinan planes siniestros en su
mesa de ajedrez.
¿Por qué destruirnos entre hermanos
es un negocio comercial?
¿Por qué los bienes de este mundo
no se pueden compartir?
¿Cuando entenderemos que todos
somos hermanos de la casa tierra
y los bienes debemos en equidad
¿El poder es signo de felicidad y
o los que lo poseen tienen que
proteger sus bienes a costa de lo que sea.
La ambición con sus gafas
negras ciega a los gobernantes,
no les importa si el país vecino
pasa hambre o muere desangrado en guerras
¡Lo único que les interesa es
llenarse los bolsillos de despreciables monedas!
Por la envidia y la ambición Caín
mató a Abel,
no seamos Caín del hermano,
ayudémonos y estrechémonos la mano.
Autora: Edith Elvira Colqui
Rojas-Perú-Derechos reservados
The tentacles of power
The world walks in the tentacles of
change of power
The powers dispute hegemony on the planet
They do not realize the terrible consequences of their terrible ambition:
Wars, deaths, conflicts, hate.
They generate their unhealthy action.
They move their pawns and horses in a war without quarter,
Sinister aircraft machines on your chess table.
Why destroy ourselves between brothers is a commercial business?
Why can't the goods of this world be shared?
When will we understand that we are all brothers of the house of the earth?
And the goods that we must share equally?
Is power a sign of happiness and stability?
or those who have it have to protect their assets at the expense of anything.
Ambition with his black glasses blinds the rulers,
they don't care if the neighboring country goes hungry or bleeds in wars
The only thing that interests them is to fill their pockets with despicable coins!
Because of envy and ambition, Cain killed Abel,
let's not be Cain's brother,
Let's help each other and shake hands.
Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Peru-All rights reserved
The world walks in the tentacles of
change of power
The powers dispute hegemony on the planet
They do not realize the terrible consequences of their terrible ambition:
Wars, deaths, conflicts, hate.
They generate their unhealthy action.
They move their pawns and horses in a war without quarter,
Sinister aircraft machines on your chess table.
Why destroy ourselves between brothers is a commercial business?
Why can't the goods of this world be shared?
When will we understand that we are all brothers of the house of the earth?
And the goods that we must share equally?
Is power a sign of happiness and stability?
or those who have it have to protect their assets at the expense of anything.
Ambition with his black glasses blinds the rulers,
they don't care if the neighboring country goes hungry or bleeds in wars
The only thing that interests them is to fill their pockets with despicable coins!
Because of envy and ambition, Cain killed Abel,
let's not be Cain's brother,
Let's help each other and shake hands.
Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Peru-All rights reserved
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