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viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

Coronavirus, virus que equipara

Coronavirus, virus que equipara

Hubo una vez un barrio de blancos, de negros, 
de pobres, de ricos...
puentes que separaban,
marcas que discriminaban.
Llegó un  virus
que a todos equiparó:
no hubo entonces razas, credos, estatus, ni pobres, ni ricos...
porque igual se los tragaba a todos, arrastrándolos a la misma fosa.

Y el hombre se dio cuenta
que era vulnerable,
que era frágil.
De nada le valieron su dinero, sus bienes su poder;
el virus arrasó con todo.

Un pequeño virus casi invisible,
una compuesto de proteína
acababa con la inteligencia y la presunción humana
que ante sus efectos se quedaba muda, ¡inactiva!

Un virus que nos hizo ver
lo inhumanos
o solidarios que somos.

El encierro inesperado,
nos hizo comprender
lo que sufre un hombre privado de su libertad;
que necesitamos del otro para ser felices,
¡Qué no somos invencibles!
Que un solo virus puede destruir la tierra
y dejarla deshabitada en poco tiempo.

Baja la frente hombre,
que no eres infranqueable.
Investiga, estudia experimenta
pero sin dañar a tu hermano humano,
porque dañándole,
te dañas a ti mismo.

Autora: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Perú-Derechos reservados/copyright
+No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

Coronavirus, virus that matches

Once there was a neighborhood of whites, of blacks,

rich and poor ...

bridges that parted,

brands that discriminated

A virus arrived

which equated all:

then there were no races, creeds, status, neither poor nor rich ...

because he swallowed them anyway, dragging them to the same well.

And the man realized

who was vulnerable

which was fragile

His money was worth nothing to him, his property his power;

The virus erased everything.

An almost invisible little virus,

a protein compound

annihilated intelligence and human presumption

that due to its effects, she would remain silent, inactive!

A virus that made us see

the inhuman

or solidarity that we are.

The unexpected confinement,

made us understand

what a man deprived of his liberty suffers;

that we need each other to be happy,

We are not invincible!

That a single virus can destroy the earth

and leave it uninhabited in a short time.

Lower your forehead man,


that you are not impassable

Investigate, study, experiment

but without harming your human brother,

why hurt him

you hurt

Author: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas-Peru-All rights reserved / copyright

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