Dear friends,
It's indeed great pleasure to announce to the members of Global Literary Society, the official appointment of honourable poetess Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas as Moderator of GLS.
Please extend a very warm welcome to her. I am posting her brief bio with a pic for your perusal.
Love and light
Bhagirath Choudhary
Biography of Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas
Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas, poeta y escritora peruana nacida en Lima, estudió Lenguaje y Literatura en la universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y Derecho en la universidad San Martin De Porres de Lima, Ex locutora de radio Magic España .locutora en radio eventos con su programa Niños en Plenitud. Administradora del grupo de Nepal ,Grupo de España y administra sus propia páginas y grupos de poesía en Facebook,(Vivamos en poesía, Poetas Unidos del Mundo, Niños en Plenitud, Mujer plena)
Ha recibido numerosas distinciones en los grupos poéticos de Facebook Google , Mundo Poesía España, OME (Organización mundial de Escritores), SVAI (sociedad Venezolana de arte internacional) integrante de la sociedad de trovadores de Ecuador, ganadora del primer festival de poemas en rima Jotabé para la paz en Argentina.
Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas, Peruvian poet and writer born in Lima, studied Language and Literature at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University and Law at the San Martin De Porres University of Lima, Former radio host Magic Spain. Children in Fullness program. Administrator of the group of Nepal, Group of Spain and manages its own pages and poetry groups on Facebook, (Let's live in poetry, United Poets of the World, Children in Fullness, Full Woman)
She has received numerous distinctions in the poetic groups of Facebook Google, Mundo Poesía España, OME (World Organization of Writers), SVAI (Venezuelan society of international art), member of the troubadour society of Ecuador, winner of the first festival of poems in rhyme Jotabé for peace in Argentina.
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